Sähköpostin järjestely Zimbrassa
24.3.2016Kuvan lisääminen Zimbra-kontaktille
28.4.2016SB40c has originally P400. Earlier have been replacing P400 with P410. The problem is that there are no real battery replacements available because it seems latest NiMH batteries for P410 are manufactured around 2010.
We are not seeking for absolute speed, just semi inexpensive and reliable solution.
1st image: parts
2nd image: opened
3rd image: remember to put some velcro over the screw on SB40c to protect P440.
4th image: replaced RAID controllers.
5th image: use velcro to tie SAS cable properly
6th image: ready
Notice that it is much easier to install SAS cable when SB40c side connectors are installed at first. These little storages are presented as FC storage using SCST.
- Ari Lemmke, Owner of the arslab